Curious about AR on the web?

Posted on 10.3.2022 at 19:47

I have recently been working on a guide to get up and running with developing Augmented Reality apps for the web using the WebXR API and the excellent Three.js 3D library.

The WebXR Device API is a relatively new browser API that enables the creation of full-fledged AR and VR applications that run entirely inside the browser. This is something I think is really exciting, which is why I've been playing around with this API for a while now on my spare time.

This work has resulted in a two-part series of blog posts containing a lot of (in my opinion) useful tips and information for those curious to get started creating apps with these technologies, and hopefully contributing to spreading the word about WebXR as well. ✌️

I'm happy to announce that these have now been published on the Sopra Steria Norge publication on Medium.

Check them out here:

Get started with Augmented Reality on the web using Three.js and WebXR | Part 1

Get started with Augmented Reality on the web using Three.js and WebXR | Part 2

Let's hope browser adoption of the WebXR Device API keeps growing. I really think this could be a game-changer in the mainstream use of both AR and VR.

Until next time!