Hello again, world!

Posted on 26.7.2021 at 09:32

Hi! Welcome to the new and improved adriansandaker.no.

I have been wanting to breathe some life into this space for a while now, so it feels good to finally launch a fully overhauled version of this page. I had a lot of fun developing it, and I am pretty happy with how the final result ended up.

The version you're browsing now is built using NextJS and Sanity as the primary technologies. I landed on this setup as I wanted a fast and lightweight result, with a decent amount of flexibility. It provides a great developer experience as well, which is always nice with regards to future development and upkeep. I've also sprinkled a bit of Three.js on top - because why not?

I'll do my best to keep this blog active, and post any updates or writings whenever I feel i have something to share.